Elevator Design | Identity and Brand Design
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Why Elevator

While the rest of the industry is obsessed with pushing and shoving each other to disruption, we bypass the noise, listen, strategize, and implement memorable authentic brands that rise over the rabble.


Based in Toronto, we provide growing organizations from around the world tailored brand solutions.

While we are equipped to play with the big guys, our focus is on bringing expertise to help emerging brands realize their potential. We do work for Museums and the Banking sector, and everyone in between.


We provide sound honest advice, strive for authenticity and bring transparency in process.

Discover your brand’s unique traits. Keep things uncomplicated. Create simple clear solutions. Encourage relaxed and respectful communication. Support objective target focused direction. Deliver value for our customers.


Creating New brands and revitalizing tired brands.

Brand Audit and Research, Brand Strategy and Positioning, Naming, Visual Identity Design, Brand Guidelines, Brand Voice and Messaging, Tag-lines, Packaging Design, Print Collateral, Corporate Communication, Annual And CSR Reports, Web and Digital Design.


Branding, Case Study, Identity, Interactive
Branding, Case Study, Identity, Interactive, Print